
Education &Self reliance Program for Development of Cowboy & Child Labor

Education &Self reliance Program for Development of Cowboy & Child Labor

The illiterate population is one of the reasons of barrier against the entire development of a country. But this is unfortunate but true that the literacy rate of Sudan is very poor. Most of the poor, neglected day labors of villages are illiterate among them. The children of these families are engaged in various works due to the poverty from childhood. But there is no scope of education for them side by side of their work. As a result, there is a strong need of arrangement of part-time education with income generating work beside the formal and regular education in order to bring them under the net of education. Moreover there is a need of creating awareness activities widely to resist child labor and drop-out from the school with this.


a- Bringing the deprived, dropped-out Child labor , working children under the net of part-time education.
b- Awareness building to re-admit the dropped-out children from the school.
c- Creating awareness to the mass people of the region including guardians, working children, child labor on various issues like dropped-out from the school, children and women trafficking, early marriage prevention, child rights, birth registration, bird’s flue, HIV/AIDS, sanitation, and preservation of nature....