
Rawafid for Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization

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Rawafid for Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization is a voluntary, non – profitable, a nongovernmentalorganization for Social development. This organization wasestablished in 2016 andregistered at Humanitarian Aids Commission (HAC)RHAD main office is located in Gedareif Ministries road South COR . With the keen interest of some likemindedhumanitarian practitioners in Gedarief). HADwork RHAD was supporting people affected with conflict and war. RHADis concerned of various activities in the areas of human rights and good governance by promoting gender equality, education, health and sanitation so as to empower and ensure the security of the livelihood of the backward poor people of the society. RHAD was implementing various early recovery program with success in Nourth Darfur IDPs settings in Kabkabia and, Alwaha localities to enhance the gradual shift from supply driven to demand led approaches and voluntary return and Resettlement whom has been verified by UNHCR and registered by IOM as well as South Sudan refugees in kario , Elnimir refugees camps and other scattered refugees areas in the State.