

a. & b. Rural Micro Credit and Urban Micro Credit: RHAD has the capacity to implement Micro credit projects The main goal of the the proposed micro credit of RHAD is to create the opportunity for self-reliance and promoting durable development by providing the financial and technical assistance and training for income generating activities by organizing the poor people specially women residing in village and urban areas. RHAD looking forward to provide micro credit aid with flexible conditions to its member as per their demand in order to implement income generating and job creating programs and forming capital for the future by savings in order to make the backward poor people self-reliant.


a- Creating the opportunity for micro credit and improving the skill of the poor people specially women of the village.
b- Assisting the potential micro credit consumer to become the entrepreneur for durable development.
c- Assisting the small business man of urban areas to survive in the competition by creating own capital.