Establishing Justice based poverty free, equal opportunities, basic and social services is for all .
Ensuring better life of people by ensuring sustainable economic development, good governance, human rights, and gender equality and equity.
Equal participation of both male and female in durable development programs, poverty elimination, fulfilling of basic needs ,empowerment and a right to live with justice.
Various national and international days, matching with the goal, objectives and activities of RHAD, are observed often either with government and private organizations or other networks by altogether or by alone.
Rawafid for Humanitarian Aids & Development Organization is a voluntary, non – profitable, a nongovernmentalorganization for Social development. This organization wasestablished in 2016 andregistered at Humanitarian Aids Commission (HAC)RHAD main office is located in Gedareif Ministries road South COR
Learn moreRHAD has been implementing few development programs with little scope under Five large sectors by keeping eye on the local demand specially for the development of grass-root level population. These sectors are 1. Good governance and human rights, 2.Education, , 4.Livelihood and 5. Water and sanitation • To support provision of legal literacy and legal aid, supporting women in conflict with the law with alternative income generation activities. Promoting human rights and securing human dignity.. • To support education and encourage primary school enrollment amongst weekend IDPs and refugees communities and poor target groups. • To decrease poverty rate amongst targeted communities. • To increase community awareness to excel and master their existed resources with focus on agriculture and livestock and micro-finance projects. • To build local capacities through provision of institutional support. • To mobilize communities towards better community health, environmental conservation and natural resources wise/effective usage. • To improve provision of PHC for Refugees, IDPs, returnees & communities affected by extreme poverty. • To contribute toward Human Rights, Protection of targeted beneficiaries rights and basic freedoms. • To empower women and decrease gender disparity , • To improve maternal health and contribute towards compacting HIV/AIDS and other diseases.